Fisherman's Friends Charlton

Our weekly church after-school club for children aged five to eleven meets at 5.00 pm in Charlton Village Hall every Tuesday during term-time.
Fisherman’s Friends is led by Alison Withers. One of the many lovely aspects of Fisherman’s Friends is the family atmosphere, it’s lovely to see the children from different schools working together and developing relationships with each other. Children with special needs are welcomed and encouraged to take an active role in all activities.
Fisherman’s Friends is led by Alison Withers. One of the many lovely aspects of Fisherman’s Friends is the family atmosphere, it’s lovely to see the children from different schools working together and developing relationships with each other. Children with special needs are welcomed and encouraged to take an active role in all activities.

Our topics throughout the year allow us to look at both New and Old Testament stories. Games and activities continue to support the teaching and give an element of fun! The children especially enjoy the games involving running, and the quizzes with a biblical theme.
Annually a number of children from the group thoroughly enjoy taking part in the Nativity as part of the Christingle Service, which finishes with tea and cakes for parents and children alike.
All families are especially welcome to our monthly service of Family Worship, where we encourage children to take part.
At Fisherman’s Friends as well as Alison there is always at least one additional adult in attendance and parents or guardians are welcome to stay for the hour. We greatly appreciate the support of the adults who attend each week
Annually a number of children from the group thoroughly enjoy taking part in the Nativity as part of the Christingle Service, which finishes with tea and cakes for parents and children alike.
All families are especially welcome to our monthly service of Family Worship, where we encourage children to take part.
At Fisherman’s Friends as well as Alison there is always at least one additional adult in attendance and parents or guardians are welcome to stay for the hour. We greatly appreciate the support of the adults who attend each week