Can I be christened in the church of my choice?
A child or adult is christened into the fellowship of the local church. The congregation greet that person at the service and promise to help and support them as they grow in the Christian faith. Therefore the person being christened should either live in the parish or be part of a family who are regular members of the church. There is no right age to be christened and both children and adults are welcome.
A child or adult is christened into the fellowship of the local church. The congregation greet that person at the service and promise to help and support them as they grow in the Christian faith. Therefore the person being christened should either live in the parish or be part of a family who are regular members of the church. There is no right age to be christened and both children and adults are welcome.
Christening of children and of infants
Young children are not able to express their own wishes about being christened, nor can they make promises to follow Christ that are required at christened. The promises, therefore, are made on the child’s behalf by parents and godparents. Godparents are friends chosen by the parents to help bring up children in the Christian faith until they can make the promises themselves at a service of confirmation.
When do Christenings take place?
Inline with the Diocese guidance, Christenings take place at part of one of our main Sunday services with the regular congregation there to celebrate with you and welcome the child(ren) into the church family.
Young children are not able to express their own wishes about being christened, nor can they make promises to follow Christ that are required at christened. The promises, therefore, are made on the child’s behalf by parents and godparents. Godparents are friends chosen by the parents to help bring up children in the Christian faith until they can make the promises themselves at a service of confirmation.
When do Christenings take place?
Inline with the Diocese guidance, Christenings take place at part of one of our main Sunday services with the regular congregation there to celebrate with you and welcome the child(ren) into the church family.