Our church and people We hold a variety of services, delivered by ordained and lay ministers, as well as churchwardens, and we are always mindful of the needs of different generations, including the use of a play area at the back of the church. Our congregation is often boosted by visitors, and following services we enjoy socialising over refreshments. We welcome anyone who is a member of any church to take communion with us.
Serving at the Strawberry Fayre
Our church and community The local community shows its commitment to the church by giving time and resources to support our work. The annual Strawberry Fayre is our main fundraiser, running for a whole weekend in July. Virtually everyone in the village takes part in some way, making shortbread, serving teas, manning stalls, performing in musical events etc. We could not maintain the high standard of housekeeping in the church without a team of volunteers from the village, who clean, arrange flowers, maintain the clock and tidy the churchyard.
Jesus is baptised at Crudwell School OTB
We have strong links with the school.
Our church building Although the church is Grade 1 listed and of Norman origin, in 2009 a disabled toilet and a food preparation area were added to the church, and some pews removed, to allow more flexible space for informal worship, concerts, coffee mornings and group meetings.
Weddings at All Saints, Crudwell
Weddings All Saints is proud to host several weddings each year, many of which are followed by a reception at The Rectory Hotel next door, with whom we have a very good relationship.
As many of the couples who are married here live outside the parish, we encourage them to come to services in the run up to their big day, and we are delighted to get to know so many happy people.
Crudwell Strawberry Fayre
We are delighted to announce that the Strawberry Fayre is back on this year! It will take place on the 8th and 9th July. In previous years we have seen £6,000 raised for church funds. The money helps us to maintain the fabric of All Saints Church. In the past the money has helped to raise funds for:
Repairs to the south aisle roof
Repairs to stonework on the south side of the church
Installation of toilet
Installation of food preparation area
Removal of pews in the north aisle and new stone flooring
Renewal of P.A. system and new hearing loop
Our last big project was the repair of the porch roof, which entailed the replacement of the lead covering and repair of the joists underneath it. This has helped to prevent water from getting into the church, and should ensure that the roof is sound for at least another 100 years. The work was completed just before the Strawberry Fayre weekend. We are indebted to the following organisations for providing grants towards this work, which has minimised the amount of money that the church has had to find.
Listed Places of Worship: Roof Repair Fund - £11,500