Directions to the North Wiltshire Deanery Office – Braydon Brook Benefice Parish Office
Deanery Office, The Old Squash Court, Holloway, Malmesbury, Wilts SN16 9BA
From the A429 heading North
From the A429 heading South
Deanery Office, The Old Squash Court, Holloway, Malmesbury, Wilts SN16 9BA
From the A429 heading North
- Turn left at the Priory Roundabout (at the bottom of the map) following the sign to Malmesbury Town Centre.
- Continue over the river and up the hill (High St) getting into the right lane when it becomes one-way.
- Turn right at the T-junction onto Oxford Street and move into the left lane.
- Turn left at the next T-junction and the traffic becomes two-way again.
- You will soon come to a sharp right-hand bend – the entrance to the office is a left turn on the corner, before Abbot’s Garden.
- Drive in and round to the right where you will see the car park. The Deanery Office is in the corner opposite the 5-bar gate, next to the Parish Office.
From the A429 heading South
- Turn right at the Whychurch Roundabout (top right of the map) following the sign for Malmesbury Town Centre.
- Follow the road past Blicks Hill on the left until you get to a sharp left-hand bend – you should see “The Gig House” in front of you.
- Turn right on the bend, immediately after Abbot’s Garden.
- Bear round to the right where you will see the car park.
- The Deanery Office is in the corner opposite the 5-bar gate, next to the Parish Office.
- From the High Street, take the same route as driving from the A429 heading North.